Make Stocks Fun : )
$100 will be given at the end of the year for the biggest gain. *
Welcome to the Paper Trade Club. This is the place where DREAMS ARE MADE INTO REALITY!
(27) currently enrolled)
Earn while you learn. Now you can get started without any risk. Sit back and watch your account grow
into the 6 and maybe 7 digits. Subscribe to our website and let's start this process today!
You can acquire two skills associated with my stock success!
Don't delay, start today!!
Our top 5 leaders as of 9/8/23:
5) Joan
4) Mary Jane
3) Svetlana
2) David H.
1) Melissa
Here is the up to date positions,
* Contest Rules. Shares are accumulated for participating in our weekly seminars.<blog page here> or participate
in future seminars <here> You get awarded 10 paper shares in your selected company the following Monday. When the market is in session, this log will update every 5 minutes, so check back for current results/standings. New meetup members
receive 5 paper shares and select a company of their choice.
Current Value is market price x your shares owned. Current Cost is shares x the lowest share price on Monday following the seminar.
Gain or loss is Current Value-Current Cost.
Dividends are usually paid quarterly and the pay date has been listed. Dividend is the exact amount each quarter the companies pay out.
Dividends will be calculated before 10/01/23 and reinvested to your share total. Payment $ is the dividend x shares owned.
A log like this is easy to set up and beneficial for stock success.
My name is Bryan Reich. I found my passion in life in investing in stocks.
I want to share my top 5 holdings and what my next moves are along
with setting up a goal sheet to make your dreams happen!!!
Subscribe and lets get started today!