Align Technology was found 1997. Align currently employs 22,540. Align Technology Inc. has established its global headquarters in Tempe, Arizona which was chosen for its favorable corporate operating environment, low cost of living and overall quality of life. Tempe is known to be a hub for medical device technology. Align, an industry leader, designs and manufactures the Invisalign@system, which is the most advanced clear alignment system in the world. Doctors are embracing the move from analog to digital processes thereby enabling enhanced orthodontic and restorative workflows leading to improved patient outcomes. The integrative service technology provides good solutions for patients, consumers and medical personnel. Besides very positive employee feedback. Align also generously provides funds to universities for research in a wide variety of topics. Over 5 years, Aligns net income has grown 234%. The company's long term model target is 20-30% revenue growth which is believable since there is a 500 million consumer market opportunity worldwide. We rank Align Technology #80 out of our 100 stock picks. We like Align for the same reasons as the companies it does business with like Verizon and Cigna. Align has a durable competitive advantage through their brain trust and patents that the company possesses. Align will be a dominate player for the next 10 years. If you had invested 10K back in 1997 you would have an unbelievable $410,000. More importantly we wouldn't recommend selling any shares because the future is very bright.
