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STOCKS 101 – Stocks Explained to the Beginner Episode 16. CDs vs Stocks Which gives better returns?

Writer: bryanking1bryanking1

STOCKS 101 – Stocks Explained to the Beginner

Episode 16. CDs vs Stocks Which is better for long

Term growth?

Bryan Reich - Website:

Do you want a transcript of today’s seminar?

Everything is updated on Make Stocks Fun website.

Quote of the week: It's how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success. --David Feherty

This statement is absolutely true. Most people have been hurt

By the market and fearful of getting back into it.

I know how you feel and my promise to you is that

I can help guide you to stock success.

My name is Bryan Reich. I am a successful stock investor and my goal is to become a stock millionaire.

In these sessions, I want to pass on my knowledge of wins and losses so you can enjoy the success I have today.

In last week’s POWERFUL episode, we discussed “Are you planning for the next crash”

We discussed events that could lead to

The next crash:

Student loan debt- $1.8 trillion-

Government cashless-

AI- Robots – Technology—Can AI advance AI


Nuclear War

Industries to be a part of when the next crash happens:

3D Printing

Electric takeoff – Archer Aviation- more attention taxi

Stem Cells -

Amazon- Drones delivering packages- Faster more efficiently

Home Depot $10K

Uber- Autonomous or Waymo



Last week was a must-watch for those who missed it and

Rewatch the ones that were present.

CDs or Certificates of deposit have been offered by

Banks to hold funds for an exact duration of time.

This gives the bank security when taking out short and long-term loans. CD rates are usually higher than savings rates because there is a Penalty for early withdrawal.

Stocks are offered by companies that are publicly

Traded. Stocks give the investor a chance to

Make a GREATER return if the company expands

And grows over time.

People have been using both for over 100 years and today

We will examine which gives the investor the BEST bang

For their buck.

What does the bank do with the CD money they receive

From their customers? <Group Discussion>


Interest is on the rise and it was just a short time

ago when you were lucky to get a 2% rate of return

on your savings account. I have a Synchrony CD and

last year I called to update my rate. The previous year

my CD account earned me a whopping 1.765% return which

I changed to 4.45% and felt like I discovered plutonium.

September 20th the Fed will decide to raise rates.

High Yield Savings Account:

UFB Direct 5.25%

Checking Account Rates:

Sofi Checking/Saving 4.5%

11th interest hike since March 2022

Top 10 CD Rates as of this week:

10- Western Alliance 5.25% 3 month

9- Ocean First 5.15% 3 month

8- Ponce Bank 5.4% 3 month

7 Bellco Credit Union 5.25% 6 month

6- First Internet Bank 5.25% 6 month

5- Western Alliance Bank 5.45% 6 month

4- CIBC Bank 5.36% 1 year

3- Popular Direct 5.5% 1 year

2- Delta Community 5% 2 year

1- Cresent Bank 5% 2 year


They say as interest rise stock prices historically decrease.

Why? Investors and savers pull out their money in stocks

and go into CDs. I love stocks. Even if CDs went up to

10% I would not even flinch. Why? Can you double

your money in a few months with a CD? NO. Can you

earn more shares of a great company with a CD? NO.

In my opinion, Stocks are still the number one investment.

And sorry, CDS, I chose real estate as my #2 investment of choice.

Here are some examples of stocks from this year that

Could DOUBLE your money:

Tsla- Tesla $107.52 on 1/4/23 High $292 as of July 18th, 2023

Meta- Facebook $122 on 1/3/23 High over $322 July 28th, 2023

ttd- Tradedesk $42 on 1/5/23 High over $90 as of July 17th, 2023

wrld- World Acceptance $62.00 1/3/23 High over $157 as of July 31, 2023

In fact, 82 companies have doubled since the beginning of this year. That is 82 opportunities that you could have doubled your money!

Do you know how to figure this out?

I know the next question on your mind. Could I piggyback

my stock gains and daisy chain them together so I could

Quadruple my money in 2023?

Here is the daisy chain example starting with $10,000:

If you bought Tesla on January 3rd at $107.52 and sell June 7th for $220.00 a share, then your $10,000 would grow to $20,460.00.

If you took your $20,460 and bought Mltx on June 8th for 27.62 a share and sold July 17th for $57.60 a share, your initial investment of $10,000 would have GROWN to $47,866.

Then for the trifecta if you bought 2,754 shares of USM July 24th for $17.54 and now your shares would be worth $45.87!!!Your initial $10,000 would be worth $78,020.00 within 8 months.

Here is a short bio on each company:

USM- US Cellular - Cellular company

that competes with AT and T and Verizon.

Why the mind-blowing acceleration in stock

prices? US Cellular is rolling out 5G sooner than expected.

MLTX- Moonlake Biotech- Biotech company

Treatment of inflammation diseases.

Reason for the hype: A new drug in the pipeline to treat skin inflammation.

Honorable Mention:

CVNA-Carvana - Vending machine for cars.

$5.11 4/24/23 now flirts with $51.00.

Would of ever buy a car from a vending machine? Carvana

<Group Discussion>

So in essence yes, you could double your money and double it again. AND YES DOUBLED(Almost Tripled) a third time in one year and the year is NOT even done yet. 🙂

The other question is how common is it to double your money in a given year?

The answer is you are doing your homework and watching opportunities, or the easy way and join our newsletter. 🙂 (here) Paper Trade Club | Bryan F Reich (

There are always DOUBLE BAGGER opportunities in a given year. There are ALWAYS opportunities to make 30-40%. Quality companies. If you look at the Best 100 Stocks book, every stock listed has an average of 30% low to high that you could GAIN in a given year.

I love stocks always! Why? You get ownership in REAL companies.

You have the pleasure of voting on how your company is being run.

With a guide from a professional, you can get Higher rates of return via the stock market.

Some of the benefits of owning stocks are:

Dividends can go up

Companies can buy back their shares As the dollar weakens, the value of the stock goes up

Stocks have made me financially wealthy and less dependent on a job. How cool is that? If you haven't paid close attention or stocks just bore the jeepers out of you or Just the thought of crunching numbers is like fingernails on a chalkboard, what if you started with $10,000 and now have over $70,000 or started with $100K and now have $700K? Do those thoughts give you chills or goosebumps down your leg?

These things happen all the time to ordinary people. You just

have to possess a NEW skillset or acquire new contacts who

know how to get the job done! : ) As my buddy used to say


do not take risks in life you will NEVER discover anything new.

Let's end this year with a BANG!

Audio file Buzzsprout



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