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STOCKS 101 – Stocks Explained to the Beginner Episode 21: Predicting the Future of the Stock Market

Writer: bryanking1bryanking1

Bryan Reich - Website:

Do you want a transcript of today’s seminar?

Everything is updated on Make Stocks Fun website.

Quote of the week:


Funny with money quote:

" "

That is the pain point of most people, procrastination.

I appreciate everyone being here and spending time

On your stock development. I know you want to learn

How to generate wealth and retirement income via

The stock market.

My name is Bryan Reich. I am a successful stock investor and my goal is to become a stock millionaire.

In these sessions, I want to pass on my knowledge of wins and losses so you can enjoy the success I have today.

+Importance of “knowing the past”

+Past trends yield future results

+Set a bar - Knowing your numbers

Key Obstacles- What are the shifts in this economy

What is stopping earning growth

If companies can make money than you can make money in stock

Adam from our group brought up a great question

To end last week’s seminar.

Why do stocks split?

The price gets too high

More people are able to afford low prices

Index Fund Requirements

The index might require a certain dollar amount

For them to join the index

Does this make sense?

Company like Tesla starts out losing money every

Year in the beginning. Why?

Taking on a new category in a highly competitive industry

Takes lots of research and development.

Tesla starts selling cars and investors start taking notice

Of their sales. Then Tesla becomes a reputable world

Wide brand. The index wants Tesla apart of their stock


Hidden Gems- Joe casual looks at a

Company once a year for a few years and notices

The company has relatively the same price.

What Joe Casual misses is that the stock has been

Going up and splitting. What are some companies that split?

Zyxi- Big charts

Predicting the future of the stock market.

For this episode we will grab my crystal ball

And predict what may happen in the stock market.

First of all we have to go back in the past and

See what our friend Mr. Market has been up to.

There is profits in the market.

Every year presents new opportunities to

Making money.

Every year you can create a wealth of income.

Are you present? Are you ready?

Lets examine the chart.

If you calculate the average growth

Over 20 years the results were 11.2%

What would have the potential to stop this train?

<Group Discussion>

Web 3 Crytpo?

Why are people investing in crypto?

Why is this logging important for future predictions?



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